Loading Purchase Orders

Load Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Number - Input PO numberLoadPO

Status - Use Dropdown selector to choose status

Created Date - Search Skubana PO creation date From - To

Modified Date - Search the modification of PO date From - To

Paging options

[ Limit - 50] - Maximum limit per request [page request].

NOTE: Leave 100 to load all results from selected date range From-To

[ Page - 1 ] - Requested page of data range. If you know you have 300 Orders in selected range but you want to list from 100, change page to 2.

NOTE: Leave 1 to load all results from data range From-To

How to use Dropdown selector to build array of status request

Select wanted status in Dropdown menu, than click on "+" button to add it to the request. Select more status types and add them with "+" button.


System limitations

Maximum number of Skubana requests to be made over time. Example: 3 / 10000 ms -> Originally 3 requests can be made without waiting, then a wait of 10 seconds will be required to make one other request.

Maximum number of requests per hour is 360.