ChangeLog June 26, 2020

ChangeLog June 26, 2020

Major update

This update is all about application crashing with more than 10.000 rows. There is a time limit on how much some script can work. With 10k of rows that time limit will be reached. To fix the this issue scripts that are slowing application are found.

Grouped and flat data refresh

When grouping is done summing up all the rows is time consuming. When flat data is showing, everything will work very fast. When data changes view need to refresh. Refreshing flat data is fast and grouped data can be slow and crash the application. It is actually same data grid that is showing different views [flat/grouped] so it is all about refreshing the view. New algorithm will now keep track on what kind of data need refreshing [flat/group], also if group data parsing is done you can switch between Flat / Group view without new Group data refresh.  That way working with Flat data will be possible even for extremely large data sets of 30.000 rows, Group will still work.

Note: As group view with large data will take long time to populate prepare summaries and group logic in Flat view or without data. You don`t want to refresh that group view more than needed.

asynchronous group data view refresh

If the data is more than 7000 rows, Group view will switch to asynchronous parsing data. This is lot slower than before but it will assure application will not crash because of the script time out. It will never crash and data will be parsed even if it takes 10 minutes, application will not crash during this time. You will be presented with Information that large data parsing started. You will than on the end get Information that Data is ready.

StoreReport Alert for large data grouping

Load, Save and export data

This is also where application would crash. On Load data application would crash after data Load because the refresh was doing the Group refresh.  On Save and Export it would crash because of the amount of rows that where parsing into JSON or TSV.

load saved data

Load is now working only refresh on the Flat data, so it will not crash when you aggregate files into large data set.

asynchronous data Parsing and zip files

New algorithm for parsing data is asynchronous. You will be provided with information pop-up about current progress. On the end it will create files of 10K of rows and zip them into one. Save button will be enabled after files are parsed.

StoreReport export files Alert dialog

New Features:

    • Asynchronous group data view refresh - if data is larger than 7000 rows group view will switch to asynchronous parsing. Two information pop-ups swill show. One when grouping started one when grouping is done. You can cancel refresh in first pop-up.
    • Asynchronous Save and Export  - application will parse data without crashing and it will create ZIP file with 10.000 rows of data
    • New Number Format - Four decimals format without trailing zero. If number is 4.3210 application will show it without end 0, so it will show 4.321.

Export Data

Export Data

What you see is what you get exported. It is exporting the current Data Grid view. If you want flat data, switch to Flat View before exporting. In Tree View be sure to expand the nodes you want to see exported. The export data will be the same you are viewing, so be sure you are seeing all you want to see in export. Export data is in "Tab separated format" .tsv meaning it uses "TAB" to separate values during export. In Excel create new table, and just drag drop your .tsv file.

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Data Grid Current Cost

Data Grid Current Cost

Get current cost for product. Crucial for COGS report, and crucial to populated with number value. This works in Orders, Products and Inventory view.

Skubana "currentCost"  field is value that is stored in Vendor Product or FIFO from your Purchase Orders. First it checks if there is a PO for the product to get the latest FIFO price, if there is no PO it checks for Vendor Cost in your Skubana store. 

This field is crucial for calculating COGS, and COGS report will not be available until you have all the Current Cost populated. 

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Data Grid Filter

Data Grid Filter

Data Grid Filter is an advance filter component allows you to filter your data based on [IF,AND] statements and math conditions. You can filter comparing two fields or by fields value. 

Select Field - Select the field you want to filter by

Operator - Select your wanted operator [Contains, < , >, = , != …]

Value - Type in desired value, if second Option is selected, than value is not needed.

Select 2nd Field - Select this option if you want to compare between two fields. If you change it to a field, than you don't need to input any value for the filter because it will compare values from two selected fields.

"+" Button - Click button + on lower right to add one more AND statement. You can only add AND statements.

Filter Button - Click button Filter to filter out the data.

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Data Grid Custom Math Field

Data Grid Custom Math Field

Field Name - Name of the field that will be added to Data Grid fields list 

X to P - Assign fields to variables, only one can be used if needed

Enter Formula - Enter formula with assigned variables to make calculations for your new field. Like (x+y)/2

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Data Grid Summaries

Data Grid Summaries

This component is used for adding more summaries fields.

StoreReport uses "#" in front of field name to distinguish summary field. It can be any number field from Skubana data. It can also be any custom field that you have added. When you add new summary field it will be added to the end of the Data Grid Fields list. From there you can drag to the front and place between other summary fields, and hit Refresh Data Grid button.

 Be sure to add only line item fields.

Data Grid

Data Grid

This component is used for displaying data. It is main view of StoreReport. What you make of Data Grid is what you get in export for Excel.

StoreReport uses Advance Data Grid for displaying data. Most custom work was done for the Orders View as we identified that it is where StoreReport is most useful, dealing with Orders issue and Orders Export.

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Data Grid Fields

Data Grid Fields

This component is used for arranging the Data Grid display. The way Data Grid component is displaying data.

StoreReport gives you access to all the data provided by Skubana. To make it easier to work with huge amounts of information tied to one line of data, we made this advance list component. In the top list we show all the data visible in Data Grid, in bottom list we show all the available fields from Skubana with additional helper fields that we setup - StoreReport fields.

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