ChangeLog July 13, 2020

ChangeLog July 13, 2020

New Feature:

    • Import Tab Separated Values files - you can now import "Tab Separated Values" files, they come with file extensions [.txt and .tsv] That is common export file and you can export it from Excel. This new feature will enable using reports from Skubana in the StoreReport. Now you can import even .tsv files that where exported in StoreReport.
  1. In Excel go to the "Save As" and select "Text (tab delimited)"
    save as tab file in excel
  2. In StoreReport go to Menu->TSV Import->Import File
    "Import Aggregate File" will merge loaded data with new imported data.
    import tab separated file in the store report
  3. Map header fields from imported file to StoreReport fields. On the left side you will see your imported file fields, on the right side you will see StoreReport fields. You don`t have to map all the data to the StoreReport if you don`t need it.
    For that on the left side you can select with [SHIFT, CTRL] click and remove fields you don`t want to map.
    select data
  4. On the right side are StoreReport fields. Drag items to reorder mapping. Mapping will be done only for fields from left side.
    drag item in data grid
  5. Finished mapping for Inventory would look like this:
    storereport data grid
  6. Click Import and use the StoreReport features, like grouping, filtering, "vendor cost" mapping or "current cost" mapping. With this you can export stock locations inventory from Skubana without the need to download everything in StoreReport.



ChangeLog July 3, 2020

ChangeLog July 3, 2020


    • Browser Session 8 hours - fixed the login session time. Now your session will last for eight hours. The issue was in the path for saving sessions. It was server host default path, that path is out of my server rights. That default path should work and that is why it took so long time to find this bug.

ChangeLog June 26, 2020

ChangeLog June 26, 2020

Major update

This update is all about application crashing with more than 10.000 rows. There is a time limit on how much some script can work. With 10k of rows that time limit will be reached. To fix the this issue scripts that are slowing application are found.

Grouped and flat data refresh

When grouping is done summing up all the rows is time consuming. When flat data is showing, everything will work very fast. When data changes view need to refresh. Refreshing flat data is fast and grouped data can be slow and crash the application. It is actually same data grid that is showing different views [flat/grouped] so it is all about refreshing the view. New algorithm will now keep track on what kind of data need refreshing [flat/group], also if group data parsing is done you can switch between Flat / Group view without new Group data refresh.  That way working with Flat data will be possible even for extremely large data sets of 30.000 rows, Group will still work.

Note: As group view with large data will take long time to populate prepare summaries and group logic in Flat view or without data. You don`t want to refresh that group view more than needed.

asynchronous group data view refresh

If the data is more than 7000 rows, Group view will switch to asynchronous parsing data. This is lot slower than before but it will assure application will not crash because of the script time out. It will never crash and data will be parsed even if it takes 10 minutes, application will not crash during this time. You will be presented with Information that large data parsing started. You will than on the end get Information that Data is ready.

StoreReport Alert for large data grouping

Load, Save and export data

This is also where application would crash. On Load data application would crash after data Load because the refresh was doing the Group refresh.  On Save and Export it would crash because of the amount of rows that where parsing into JSON or TSV.

load saved data

Load is now working only refresh on the Flat data, so it will not crash when you aggregate files into large data set.

asynchronous data Parsing and zip files

New algorithm for parsing data is asynchronous. You will be provided with information pop-up about current progress. On the end it will create files of 10K of rows and zip them into one. Save button will be enabled after files are parsed.

StoreReport export files Alert dialog

New Features:

    • Asynchronous group data view refresh - if data is larger than 7000 rows group view will switch to asynchronous parsing. Two information pop-ups swill show. One when grouping started one when grouping is done. You can cancel refresh in first pop-up.
    • Asynchronous Save and Export  - application will parse data without crashing and it will create ZIP file with 10.000 rows of data
    • New Number Format - Four decimals format without trailing zero. If number is 4.3210 application will show it without end 0, so it will show 4.321.

ChangeLog February 4, 2020

ChangeLog February 4, 2020

New Features:

    • Line Item Total Discount - new field added in Orders.

      From Skubana: Skubana now displays discount information on a SKU-by-SKU or line item basis. When pulling order details, original unit value and discounts will appear in separate fields. Previously, discounts were shown on a complete order basis. This update allows users to apply item-specific discounts for more accurate COGs and revenue calculations.

      StoreReport added field called "itemDiscount" to present this data. This changed the "Sales Revenue" which was calculated [QTY*Unit Price] now if there is Item Discount it will be subtracted from line Sales Revenue [ QTY * Unit Price) - Item Discount]

    • "Discount" field changed name to the "Order Discount" so there is an obvious difference between "Item Discount" and "Order Discount".
      They are not the same thing. If you have any Item Discount it will not show as "Order Discount".

ChangeLog July 4, 2019

ChangeLog July 4, 2019

New Features:

  • Vendor Cost there is a new button. You can now merge "Vendor Cost" - Default product cost to Orders, Inventory, Listings data.
  • In Orders Selector new options to search data. Search by "Sales Channel" and "Warehouse" added.
  • In PO Selector new options to search data. Search by "Product Sku" and "Vendor Product Sku" added.
  • In Listings Selector new options to search data. Search by "Sales Channel" added.
  • Custom Calculated Field modified. Fixed the logic so you can select one of the field from data grid and do the math instead of two. Now you can select field like "Shipping Cost" as x and do the math x+5, that would add 5 to "Shipping Cost" field.
  • Custom Calculated Field Single Value is added in case you want to map single value to all items in orders. For example you can add Single Value called "ordersAmount" and set it as value 1. With changing the data grid like [masterSku, ##orderID, #ordersAmount] you can use that value to get the Warehouse Hit list. It is how many times somebody went to warehouse to get the sold item, not the quantity sold.

Bug Fixes:

  • Cancel Loading data button. Loader is now changed and Cancel button is working. The issue before was a Cancel event that was only active during loading the data. To make things worse there was a Clock animation running which made the impression that you cannot click on the cancel during the time when Cancel event was active.

ChangeLog July 1, 2019

ChangeLog July 1, 2019

Skubana "Current Cost" Update:

  1. Skubana analytics API "Current Cost" changed without notice. Previous API call was showing "Current Cost" [Vendor , Default or PO] based on Date. Now the Current cost is based on the Product Warehouse location. To get the current cost we need to pass the Warehouse ID.
  • In Orders the warehouse ID is the "Fulfillment Warehouse ID" and we can get the Current cost for any order.
  • In Products you need to search by warehouse and then click the button "Get the Warehouse Cost" above data grid. See note.
  • In Listings you you need to search by warehouse and then click the button "Get the Warehouse Cost" above data grid. See note.


You do not have to search by warehouse if you use some other filter to get your data. If you have mixed warehouses there will be Pop Up to select the default warehouse to get your Current Costs from. That will help a lot if you have same prices in all warehouses.

Current Cost is great way for you to find the zero [0] current cost. You cannot have the Current Cost of 0, that means that you do not have the price properly setup. That will fail COGS reporting even in Skubana Application.


ChangeLog April 16, 2019

ChangeLog April 16, 2019


  1. Skubana API restore rate for the Inventory call "Remove product stock quantity" is set to 1 second. This will solve the issue of frequent API bad request because of the timeout.

ChangeLog September 13, 2018

ChangeLog Semptember 13, 2018

New features:

  1. We are adding a new field, shipByDate. The "shipByDate" information was previously in the "shipDate" field for unshipped Amazon orders. Going forward, the "shipByDate" field will contain this information for Amazon, Jet, and Walmart orders, and "shipDate" will only contain the "shipDate".
  2. We are moving application to secure domain. So moving forward we will be using https.

ChangeLog August 8, 2018

ChangeLog August 8, 2018

New features:

  1. Added Print PO batch SKU to PDF logic for Purchase Orders. It can be used with right click when you are browsing PO`s. It works from grouped data. Select parent PO, right mouse click and select "Print PO". In Print Dialog you can decide amount of print labels and print dimensions. It will save it to the PDF file which you can later print. 

ChangeLog April 4, 2018

ChangeLog April 4, 2018

New features:

  1. Added logic that will merge "orderType" [FBA,FBA_WORKFLOW,STANDARD] with sales Chanel if it is not STANDARD. That is making easier to see grouped data information by Sales Chanel. 
  2. Added missing field in Products for bundled items. Field is called "bundledProductQty".
  3. Added new tooltip description for datagrid. It is very important to learn the difference between "Order Item Value" and "Line Item Value". "Order Item Value" is value that is for whole order like Discount, or Shipping Cost. Those fields will get correct summary only if grouped or sub-grouped by "orderID". So they must have whole Order items grouped to get correct result. Rollover toll-tip will say if the math is dividing with "order items length". Those fields needs orderID to get correct data. Using group by Master SKU, will pull the individual sold items into grouping making those false numbers.

That is visible now with "Sales Revenue" and same field "orderItemsTotal" from Skubana. From Skubana it is "Order Value", in store report it is calculating correctly by "line items value" [unit price * qty]. When there is orderId group those values are the same, but if you drag Master Sku on first place, StoreReport will have accurate data, and field "#orderItemsTotal" will not.


Bug fixes:

  1. Fixed tooltip for Unit Price, made it Skubana line item.